Well as the tag line says, this is just a small site following the escapades of my current and future vehicles. Unfortunately, my car has been down and out for about a year…maybe longer due to other priorities. Aside from that, last time I drove it, it had some whack ECU/electrical issue causing all sorts of problems. I’ve had a lot going on recently too, just bought a house and had another little boy so I’ve had my hands kinda full.

So This Is What’s Up…

I’m now nearing the point where I can start playing with my toys again so I figured I’d throw up a blog and posts some pics just for shits! So yeah I’ll mainly be rambling about my cars, both fast and slow (DDs need love too), but you’ll also see the occasional re-post of cool shit I find around the web, or whatever.

Alight so, this is where I left off on my s13 when it was running:

Current status:

I decided to start kinda fresh…why kinda? Well, we still have a few months of good weather left before it gets all cold and frosty out, and frankly, I miss my baby! So the plan is to get it up and running as soon as possible and tear it back down for a build, fresh paint, new stance, etc. come wintertime.

…and that’s what’s up! There’s more to come so feel free to follow along and drop me some comments!

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